Candida organisms can multiply on moist, warm areas of the body and often cause various symptoms such as genital rashes and itching, vaginal discharge, burning sensation during urination or sexual intercourse, nervous anxiety, abdominal bloating, skin ashes and eczema.
Causes of Yeast Infections
Vaginal yeast infections occur when there is sudden increase of yeast inside the vagina that may be more than the amount of normal bacteria already present in it. In most instances, yeast may multiply while taking an antibiotic for a urinary tract or respiratory infection, which may eliminate normal bacteria. When these bacteria are eliminated, yeast will multiply which can cause irritation on affected areas, particularly the genitals.
Recurring yeast infections may be caused by other diseases such as diabetes, or it may be a consequence of taking oral contraceptives. There are cases also where women who had taken chemotherapy become more prone to yeast infections.
Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections
If you have recurring yeast infections and are getting tired of various prescriptions that do not seem to work fast enough, you should consider natural remedies instead. Yeastrol Spray for Yeast Infections has 12 natural ingredients that have been proven to beat yeast infections and all the symptoms that go with it. With just two sprays of Yeastrol under your tongue for three times a day, and you will be relieved of the itching, the discomfort in digestion and urination, as well as other symptoms.
A yeast infection is not only irritating but it may also pose other serious health risks, such as what is called a “leaky gut”. This occurs when yeast fungus rapidly multiplies and perforates the stomach walls, causing the infection to spread to the rest of the body. Toxins can go into the bloodstream and when not diagnosed early enough, may even lead to death.
What Is The Solution?
Save yourself from the discomforts and the health risks of a yeast infection. Try Yeast Infection No More system and stay healthy!
Many women also apply vinegar or bathe in vinegar water. Use a natural apple cider vinegar for the best result.