Monday, August 23, 2010

Why doing exercises is important for you?

Deep fried bovine testiclesImage via Wikipedia
What has happened to the United States that has made it such an obese country? We produce some of the finest athletes in the world (as evidenced every year in the Olympics), so why is the average citizen so fat?

We blame the food, and that's definitely a part of it. But can food really be the biggest reason that the country has gotten so robust. Is anybody familiar with any traditional (meaning old) southern dish that isn't deep fried? This is the food that our forefathers grew up on, and we're bigger than we are. In fact, we are continually passing new legislation to monitor calories and fat content of many types of food, so is there any reason to think that the food is much more conducive to modern weights than in previous generations?

I think it has to fall primarily on a lack of activity. Amenities and entertainment both require less bodily motion than at any previous time in history. As a population, we see an increasing number of desk jobs (at least in a normal economy), we spend more time driving than ever (I know people who are unwilling to walk a city block), and many forms of recreation can be had without moving of the couch. Many people can be entertained by spending 6+ hours on the couch watching television. Whether that should be considered a worthwhile way to use one's time is a completely different debate, but there is no doubt that it burns very few calories.

That doesn't mean that there aren't still plenty of ways to get exercise. Gym memberships aren't expensive from a standpoint of value (if they are used) compared to price. Most gyms also offer classes  such as Yoga  with their membership. Actually, many communities now offer free yoga or dance classes through their recreation department. Also, activities such as running, walking, or biking (once you have a bike) outside that are free and great for the body. Anything that increases your heart rate leads to extra calories being burned, and also works the heart (a muscle) itself. Most things that get the heart rate going are usually a bit enjoyable as well.

But, during the day, DO SOMETHING! Watching television, playing video games, taking a nap, and gaining weight doesn't count. As the wise say  be active, be happy, be healthy.

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